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May 15, 2011

Orcs and timelines in roleplay 2

All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players. In World of Warcraft, that player is you! Each week, Anne Stickney brings you All the World's a Stage with helpful hints, tips and tricks on the art of roleplay in wow gold WoW. Have questions about roleplaying, or roleplaying issues? Email me -- I'm always open to suggestions!

Last week we discussed the life span of elves -- be they night elves or blood elves, the short answer is that elves life for a very, very long time. Elves are one of the native races of Azeroth, predated only by a few different races. But there are races on Azeroth today that didn't originate there, races that traveled to Azeroth through one means or another. Today we're going to talk about one of those races and how they came to arrive -- the orcs of Draenor.

The life span of an orc is relatively short by Azerothian standards. Though elves can live to be thousands of years old, the orcs are lucky if they even get close to 100 years of age. This makes pinpointing timelines for the orcish race relatively simple, and much like the humans we discussed two weeks ago, there's a limit to how far back in the timeline you need to go in regards to age.

History and timelines

Once again, as with all races when you're figuring out where your orc was when important events occurred, or what historical events they may have witnessed, all you have to do is determine the age of your character, and then hop backwards in the timeline. Though the orcish race has been present on Draenor for a very, very long time, the lifespan of an orc is short enough that they'd really only remember fairly key events from orcish history, depending on where they were born in the timeline.

0-18 years of age Young orcs just starting out in the world in the wake of Cataclysm would have been born right around year 15. This was smack in the middle of when the orcs were placed in internment camps in Lordaeron after the Second War -- reading the novel Lord of the Clans will give you a good idea what those internment camps were like. An orc just turning 18 wouldn't really remember the internment camps too vividly; Thrall released the orcs around year 18 of the timeline, which means your orc would be roughly 3-4 years old at the point that the trip to Kalimdor was made. The Third War, vanilla WoW, The Burning Crusade and Wrath of the Lich King would be events your orc has heard about, but not necessarily experienced -- and they know nothing of life on Draenor, other than what stories they may have been told during their childhood.

19-40 Older orcs have lived through far more important historical events than the younger ones have. An orc at 40 years of age would have been born in year -7, just before the opening of the Dark Portal and the beginning of the First War in year 0. Though they would be too young to participate in the First War, the Second War hits at about age 12-13 in a 40-year-old orc's lifetime. While orcs do not wow gold technically reach maturity until age 18, it is entirely possible that a young orc would have been ordered to participate in the war efforts, particularly since the Second War was the one the Old Horde would eventually lose.

By 15 or 16 years of age in your orc's life, the Second War would have been lost. Most orcs were rounded up and placed in internment camps, succumbing to the lethargy that plagued most orcs of that time. The next ten years or so would be spent either in internment camps or -- if your orc was lucky to belong to one of those clans that managed to escape -- living in hiding and trying to avoid captivity. At age 25-26, Thrall appeared, freeing the orcs from the internment camps and leading them to safety and, eventually, Kalimdor.

An orc at 40 years of age lived in pretty much the prime of all of recent orc history -- and would also likely be fiercely devoted to Thrall. The memories of the Old Horde would largely involve the Second War and the failure of the orcs, and the larger chunk of their life would have been spent in interment camps, or avoiding capture. It was a rough life, a very rough life until Thrall appeared -- and his appearance was absolute salvation.

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