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Nov 20, 2011

Grab bag 6, the grabbiest bag

WoW Insider's Mathew McCurley brings you a fresh look at reader-submitted UIs as well as Addon Spotlight, which focuses on the backbone of the WoW gameplay experience: the user interface. Everything from bags to bars, buttons to DPS meters and beyond -- your addons folder will never be the same.

It has been quite a while since I've done an Addon Spotlight grab bag article to throw all these little baby utilities and useful addons at you. It's like Addon Christmas and I am jolly ol' Saint Addon, ready to toss presents under your interface folder. Hilarious, I know.

If you've got a recommendation for an Addon Grab bag article or an addon you want to share with the rest of the world, send your recommendations to with Addon Spotlight in the title. That means it won't get lost in the "buy WoW gold now" or "Mat, why aren't you answering my emails, it's your baby" filters. Recommend your favorite addons!

Show My DPS

Simple and to the point, Show My DPS shows you your DPS. Shocker, right? Slow down, Slick -- let's talk about why you might want to install this addon either as a complementary addon to Skada/Recount or just by itself.

Show My DPS simply shows you your DPS and no one else's. There is a simple interface that runs a lot less hot than one of the bulkier addons like Recount or Skada and saves no data whatsoever. This is the lightest DPS reporting addon you will find out there.

So what's the point? Why would I want a super-lightweight DPS meter when the purpose of DPS meters is to compare, gather data, and analyze that data to make better decisions later? Well, you're right. However, if you're downloading this addon or even working with any high-end DPS guild, World of Logs logs is available to you. If your computer isn't a fan of high-CPU- or high-memory-usage addons, this might be the best way for you to see your DPS and not have to have another addon running that might impact your game performance. You can always check the World of Logs later.

If you need a super-lightweight DPS meter that shows the only important DPS, you, then I'd say check out Show My DPS.
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Wow 4.3 PTR: Valor and conquest point changes

Bashiok has just announced new valor Wow Gold point and conquest point changes coming with patch 4.3 that aim to de-emphasize the collection of valor points as a primary way to gear up for content. Both 10- and 25-man versions of the Dragon Soul raid will give 100 VPs per boss, down from 115 and 135, and Firelands bosses will only give 50 points each. The changes are intended to encourage killing bosses for loot rather than killing bosses for valor points to purchase loot. One can also surmise that the change is being introduced to give players more of a reason to try the new Raid Finder feature, where bosses drop loot with a unique power level.

On the PvP side of the equation, the number of conquest points received for the first daily Battleground is increasing to 100 up from 25, allowing players to work toward their conquest point caps quicker while not feeling like they have to run Rated Battlegrounds or Arenas. Both Rated Battlegrounds and Arenas will still earn players points more quickly, but this change should allow those players who prefer regular Battlegrounds to not be left in the dust.

I cannot help but wonder, other than what has already been explained, what the motivation is behind further changing the raid game to make 10- and 25-man raiding so similar. While I have raided in both size groups and enjoy both types of environment, a 25-man raiding guild at this time is at a severe disadvantage when it comes to encounter difficulty. We just reported yesterday that over 1,000 guilds have killed heroic Ragnaros, with a majority of those kills on the 10-man size. It is readily becoming apparent that the only reason to buy wow gold raid with a 25-man group is that of personal choice as opposed to mechanical differences. What confuses me is the insistence on the 25-man raid size for the Raid Finder, when 25-mans are further being de-emphasized.

Badges and valor points originally were the consolation prize for not being lucky with your drops in dungeons. Back in The Burning Crusade, you augmented your gear with badge gear because something that you needed just wouldn't drop. Now, valor point gear is a necessary step in gearing up your character. I understand the reasons for slowing valor acquisition and agree with those sentiments. However, is it worth lowering the desire to do 25-man raiding even more for those guilds out there that still raid in the 25-man raid size? How many of them are left that really care? I'd love to know why we are still raiding 25-man raid instances.

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Read more: OverAchiever: Guide to Pilgrim's Bounty 2011 Overachiever shows you how to work toward those sweet achievement points. Today, we're too full to move.

For all you dedicated achievement hunters out there, Pilgrim's Bounty is not part of the year-long meta What A Long, Strange Trip It's Been, but that's not to say that the holiday's without its share of charms. While the Pilgrim meta will grant both the Pilgrim title and the plump turkey pet, the holiday has an absolutely unbeatable side benefit -- it's the fastest, easiest, and cheapest way to level cooking to 350. Pilgrim's Bounty is tailor-made for players who want to level cooking on a bunch of alts or anyone who never got around to doing it on his or her main.

We haven't seen any new information emerge on Pilgrim's Bounty over the past year, so the holiday probably hasn't buy wow gold changed much from its 2009 and 2010 incarnations. As always, I'll be around as the holiday goes live to update or clarify any portion of this guide. This year, Pilgrim's Bounty runs from Sunday, Nov. 20 through Saturday, Nov. 26.


"FOOD FIGHT!" is a very simple achievement. Bountiful Tables are located in each capital's feasting area, and all of them are very large and easy to spot. Each chair at the tables is actually a vehicle. Mouse over the chairs and you'll see them clearly labeled: "The Stuffing Chair" or "The Turkey Chair." You can only pass a dish already located at that chair. If you're sitting in the sweet potatoes chair, you can pass sweet potatoes, and so on and so forth. Once you've taken a seat (and for this achievement, it won't matter where), you'll find five options available.
Eating turkey If you're in the turkey chair, this will always be an available option; otherwise, it must be passed to you.
Eating cranberries If you're in the cranberry chair, this will always be an available option; otherwise, it must be passed to you.
Eating stuffing If you're in the stuffing chair, this will always be an available option; otherwise, it must be passed to you.
Eating sweet potatoes If you're in the sweet potatoes chair, this will always be an available option; otherwise, it must be passed to you.
Eating pie If you're in the pie chair, this will always be an available option; otherwise, it must be passed to you.
The only thing you need for this achievement is to have someone else sitting at the table, which should be easy in the holiday's first few days. Sit wherever you like, target a fellow player at the table, and use the first option (to "pass" a dish) repeatedly. Rather than passing it, you'll cheap wow gold eventually throw it at them and get your achievement.

As with all holidays, Pilgrim's Bounty tends to be busiest in the first few days and more particularly at server high times, so I would advise doing this early.

Sharing is Caring

As with "FOOD FIGHT!", Sharing is Caring is an achievement done while seated at a Bountiful Table. You'll need to visit all five chairs at a table and select the first option (again, passing the dish) at each one. No other player is required to be at the table for you to get this. However, if the feast area is crowded and players aren't budging from their own chairs, you can get this achievement by visiting different chairs at different tables. You're not restricted to just one.

Now We're Cookin'

Now We're Cookin' requires you to cook all five holiday recipes. You'll need to have at least 280 cooking skill to make all of them, but if you haven't leveled cooking, don't worry; Pilgrim's Bounty exists for just this reason!

The recipes you'll need are all from a single book sold for one silver by Pilgrim's Bounty vendors (all of whom will be located conveniently in feast areas). The book is called the Bountiful Cookbook and requires only 1 cooking skill in order to use. Right-click the book once it's in your inventory, and it'll give you all five recipes.

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